There is 27 of them. Today: Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, Sweden, 18_SLU
Poland ready to go!
Pasieka Magdalena Wilde 7-PMW prepared the test apiary for WP1. Management for resilience. It is located near the forest close to the village of Spręcowo, in the beautiful Warmia region in north-eastern Poland.
We are working with Apis mellifera carnica, breeding line Kortowka. The colonies are on Greater Poland frames (360×260 mm) in multi-box hives. Prepared for research on resistance to Varroa as part of WP1 of the BeeGuards project.
May we present our wonderful team
There is 27 of them. Today: Nacionalini institut za Biologijo , Italy, 17 _NIB
Ready to go!
At CNR, Italy (Institute for Sustainable Plant Protection) all is ready to go! Setup of BeeGuards-colonies of Apis mellifera ligustica for WP5 just complete and waiting for performing research on immunity/physiology…..we have 3 Countries X 2 locations X 20 colonies X 2 Varroa mite managements……a simple experimental design and extensive students’ effort for high impact results!!!
May we present our wonderful team.
There is 27 of them. Today: Hessisches Ministerium für Umwelt, Klimaschutz, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz, Germany, 16_LLH
May we present our wonderful team.
There is 27 of them. Today: Länderinstitut für Bienenkunde Hohen Neuendorf e.V., Germany, 15_LIB
May we present our wonderful team.
There is 27 of them. Today: Kmetijski Institut Slovenje – Agricultural Institut of Slovenia, Slovenia, 14_KIS
May we present our wonderful team.
There is 27 of them. Today: Instytut Ogrodnictwa- Panstwowy Instytut Badawczy, Poland, 13_InHor
May we present our wonderful team.
There is 27 of them. Today: Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku – Fakultet agrobiotehničkih znanosti Osijek, Croatia, 12_FAZOS
Introducing BeeGuards in Croatia
On 3rd of February, BeeGuards project is presented in the biggest beekeeping fair in Croatia (19th international beekeeping fair, Gudovac, Croatia). Marin Kovačić from Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek presented the main objectives and expectations of the project and invited beekeepers to join our activities in future.