
The BeeGuards download page, is our page where you free can download our most important public material. Fell free to download and sure feel free to distribute. This page will get slowly get filled up over the project period. Pass by ones and a while to stay tuned.

BeeGuards poster on lifecycle calculation
BeeGuards poster on lifecycle calculation

EURBEE-10. BeeGuards poster on lifecycle calculation by Janez Presern, Agricultural Institute of Slovenija

Greek: για ανθεκτική μελισσοκομία
Greek: για ανθεκτική μελισσοκομία
Poster on: Study of the honeybee holobiont….
Poster on: Study of the honeybee holobiont….

Read the poster of Melanie Parejo, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) et al. Presented on Applied Hologenetic Conference 2024 in Copenhagen. Focus was on BEEGUARDS WP4: Study of the honeybee holobiont to unravel management and environment-driven changes in colony resilience. Simply understand what we do in our project.

Standardized management and test protocol – Beekeeper apiaries
Standardized management and test protocol – Beekeeper apiaries
English version: Flyer. BeeGuards for resilients beekeeping
English version: Flyer. BeeGuards for resilients beekeeping
Italian version: Flyer. BeeGuards per un’apicoltura resiliente
Italian version: Flyer. BeeGuards per un’apicoltura resiliente
Slovenia version: Flyer. BeeGuards za odporno čebelarstvo
Slovenia version: Flyer. BeeGuards za odporno čebelarstvo
Danish version: Flyer. BeeGuards for en bæredygtig biavl
Danish version: Flyer. BeeGuards for en bæredygtig biavl
Croation version. Beeguards za održivo pčelarstvo
Croation version. Beeguards za održivo pčelarstvo
German: BeeGuards – für eine widerstandsfähige Imkerei
German: BeeGuards – für eine widerstandsfähige Imkerei
Macedonian language. ОДРЖЛИВО ПЧЕЛАРСТВО
Macedonian language. ОДРЖЛИВО ПЧЕЛАРСТВО
Israeli version: Flyer. שומרי הדבורים
Israeli version: Flyer. שומרי הדבורים