The Danish Beekeepers Association

May we present our wonderful team. There is 27 of them. Today Danmarks Biavlerforening, 9_DBF. The association was founded back on July 5th, 1866. There is 6.500 members representing 90 % of all beekeepers in Denmark. There are around 120.000 colonies. Around 1 % are commercial beekeepers, 5-8 parttime beekeepers and the rest is amateur beekeepers having less then 10 colonies. There are 80 local beekeeper clubs.

Beeguards presenting itself to the public

At the event “Eco-sustainability (19th 2023)” CNR (Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche) – WP5 team presented the BeeGuards project. The event was a part of the framework “Science Technology Research for Ethical Engagement Translated in Society”. BeeGuards got very good response and attention.

Read more: Beeguards presenting itself to the public

The aim is to bring research and researchers closer to the public, particularly to families and students, through interactive educational laboratories, thus promoting excellent research projects throughout Europe.

BeeGuards attracted the attention of all participants, so it was easy to involve people in the important mission of protecting the resilience of Apis mellifera through beekeeping that adapts sustainably to an evolving environment.

BeeGuards reaching out!

BeeGuards presenting itself in northern Italy at the conference of a beekeepers’ association in North of Italy (Associazione Produttori Apistici delle province di Como e Lecco). 0ver 80 participants. Many professionals. Riccardo Terriaca, president of a national professional beekeeper association (Miele in Cooperativa), talked about the honey market, problems of importation and unfair competition. Cecilia Costa from CREA in Bologna talked about Varroa resistance, known mechanisms and populationdynamics. And what can scientists and beekeeper do together to promote sustainable beekeeping and the development of resistant honeybees? Here BeeGuards turns up as an exciting project.

Volcani Center

May we present our wonderful team. There is 27 of them. Today: The Agricultural Research Organization of Israel – the Volcani Center, 3_ARO. Israel
