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- the Volcani Center The Agricultural Research Organization of Israel 3-AROThe Agricultural Research Organization of Israel - the Volcani Center 3-ARO Victoria SorokerAddressDerech Hamcabim 68 50250 Betdagan Israel50250 Betdagan, Israel
Albaina AitorAitor Albaina Assistant ProfessorAddressDepartment of Zoology and Animal Cell Biology, Faculty of Science and TechnologyUniversity of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Barrio Sarriena s/n, 48940Leioa, SpainUniversity of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)WP4Additional information
I have a European PhD (2007) in Biological Sciences (Ecology) from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) with a work on Biological Oceanography at AZTI. Subsequently, I enjoyed a 2-year postdoctoral fellowship on Molecular Ecology at the University of Wales in Bangor (UK; Molecular Ecology and Fisheries Genetics Laboratory). From March 2010 to July 2015, I worked applying molecular tools in Marine Ecology at the Department of Genetics of the UPV/EHU where I also taught undergraduate and master's degree courses. From July 2015 to January 2021, I worked as an Environmental Technician in Urban Ecology projects in the area of Information and Innovation for Sustainability at the Environmental Studies Centre (CEA) of the Vitoria-Gasteiz City Council, where I coordinated the European projects in which the CEA participated. Since 22 January 2021, I am an assistant lecturer in the Department of Zoology and Animal Cell Biology (knowledge area: Zoology) of the UPV/EHU where I am part of the Consolidated Group type A of the Basque Government IT1571-22 "Genes, Populations, Ecosystems: Fundamental and Applied Research". In total, I have participated in more than 30 national/international projects with the result of more than 25 scientific publications in prestigious journals with high impact in their area and more than 40 communications to congresses (
Albertazzi SergioSergio Albertazzi Technician Send message »AddressVia di Saliceto 80, 40128, BolognaBologna, ItalyCREA Research Centre for Agriculture and EnvironmentWP1, WP2
Apimondia 2-ApimondiaApimondia 2-ApimondiaAddressAdditional information
Apimondia is the International Federation of Beekeepers’ Associations. It represents the interests of apiculture worldwide (122 Member Associations from 73 countries). It facilitates links between beekeepers, scientists and all those involved in beekeeping and represents apiculture at international level to many bodies, for example GATT, the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the UN (FAO), consumer and agricultural interests. Apimondia is also active in boosting the quality of honey (fight against honey fraud) and natural beekeeping.
Arbetman MarinaMarina Arbetman +5492944331146AddressPasaje Gutierrez 1125Bariloche, Rio Negro, Argentina
Beekeepers Association Danish 9-DBFDanish Beekeepers Association 9-DBF Send message »AddressFulbyvej 154295 Sorø, DenmarkAdditional information
Danish Beekeepers Association having more than 90 % of the Danish beekeepers as members. Member no 2023 is 6.600 members. We regard our task to connect Beekeeping and Science, creating the best knowledge database for beekeepers. Our main task is advisory work on all levels for the beekeeping business. We do lobby to create the best condition for honeybees, but we are also aware of the wild bees. We work intense with international projects, we are active with active field testing on beekeeper level, breeding, education, talks, conferences etc.
BeeSources 5-BSOURBeeSources 5-BSOURAddressvia Olmetola, 15/3B40132 Bologna, ItalyAdditional information
Beekeeping extensionist & consultancy.
Technical Coordinator AIAAR breeding program, Technical Supervisor MiC, FAO/IUCN Advisor / (Apimondia WG7 – Queen Quality), Charing COLOSS Survivors TF, Honey Sensory Education, Ongoing projects, B-GOOD project (H2020) – Direct Partner, BeeGuards project (HORIZON) – Direct Partner, Enforce (Erasmus+) – Direct Partner, Honey Bee Watch - founder, Beekeeper, queen breeding, Own hives (≈120), Commercial Experiences (9000-22000) US/NZ.
Bevk DaniloDanilo Bevk Researcher +38659232783AddressVecna pot 111Ljubljana, SlovenijaNational Institute of BiologyWP8
Bienkowska GosiaGosia Bienkowska Dr Jan. Send message » 0046602323654AddressSosnowa 1Pulawy, PolandDivision od Apiculture, Research Institute of hHorticultutrWP2
Bieńkowska MałgorzataMałgorzata Bieńkowska Prof. +48602323654Address24-100 PuławySosnowa 1Puławy, PolandResearch Instittute of Horticulture, Apicultural DivisionWP2
Bogo GherardoGherardo Bogo Researcher +393498840617AddressVia di Saliceto 80, 40128, BolognaBologna, ItalyCREA Research Centre for Agriculture and EnvironmentWP08
Bouga MariaMaria Bouga Scientific Collaborator +302105294564Address75 Iera Odos Str.11855 Athens, GreeceAgricultural University of AthensWP09
Brodschneider RobertRobert Brodschneider Researcher +433163805602AddressUniversität GrazGraz, AustriaUniversität GrazWP09
Budge GilesGiles Budge Professor +44 191 208 3079AddressRidley 2Newcastle Upon Tyne, United KingdomNewcastle UniversityWP06Additional information
I work in the Modelling Evidence and Policy Research Team at Newcastle University and lead a workpackage entitled “Understanding climate as a driver of Parasites & Pathogens and mitigating their impact”. We are working closely with project partners from across Europe and beyond to bring new understanding to future parasite and pathogen threats to honey bees in the face of climate change. We are also interested in better understanding how beekeeping might impact other wild pollinators, and will work closely with partners at CRE to provide statistical and diagnostic support. Please get in touch if you are interested in our work and want to find out more. 😊
Calleja MatthewMatthew Calleja Research Support Officer I Send message » +356 99797119AddressInstitute of Earth SystemsUniversity of MaltaMSD2080Msida, MaltaUniversity of MaltaWP01
Cilia GiovanniGiovanni Cilia ResearcherAddressVia di Corticella 133Bologna, Italy
Cutajar SimoneSimone Cutajar PhD researcherAddressUniversity of MaltaWP1
Dall'Olio RaffaeleRaffaele Dall'Olio Consultant +393477687857Addressvia Olmetola 15/3BBologna, ItalyBeeSourcesWP02, WP09
de Groot (she/her) Grecia StefaníaGrecia Stefanía de Groot (she/her) PhD in Biological ScienceAddressGrupo Ecología de la Polinización (EcoPol)Ecotono - Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medio Ambiente (INIBIOMA)Pasaje Gutierrez 1125San Carlos de Bariloche, Río Negro, ArgentinaUNCO (Universidad Nacional del Comahue)WP8Additional information
Scientist and beekeeper. Interests and work: Apis mellifera ecology with emphasis on resources availability in natural and anthropogenic landscapes, and its impacts on health and performance of managed hives. Effects of introduced hives of A. mellifera on plant-pollinator interactions in the context of Biosphere Reserves. Impacts of agricultural and beekeeping practices on ecosystems. Effects of contaminants like pesticides or microplastics on honeybees.
Di Prisco GennaroGennaro Di Prisco Researcher +3906499327831AddressPiazzale E. Fermi n.1Portici (Napoli), Italy
Erwerbsimkerbund Österreichischer 10-EWIÖsterreichischer Erwerbsimkerbund 10-EWI Wolfgang PointeckerAddressRatschendorf 2748482 Ratschendorf, AustriaAdditional information
Non-profit organization, established in 1970. 550 members of mostly professional beekeepers. Widely connected to other regional and international organizations.
for Agricultural Research and Economics Council for Agricultural Research and Economics 1-CREACouncil for Agricultural Research and Economics for Agricultural Research and Economics 1-CREAAddress
für Bienenkunde Hohen Neuendorf e.V. Länderinstitut 15-LIBLänderinstitut für Bienenkunde Hohen Neuendorf e.V. 15-LIB Andreas HoppeAddressFriedrich Engels Straße 3216540 Hohen Neuendorf, GermanyAdditional information
Research institute maintained by the States of Brandenburg, Sachsen, Thüringen, Sachsen Anhalt and Berlin, as well as regional associations of the Deutscher Imkerbund.
Research, education and extension relating to beekeeping. Main research topics include bee diseases, breeding models, honeybee genetics, bee breeding, honey bee products, beekeeping and breeding techniques.
Experience in breeding data modeling, support of breeding programs, molecular methods in breeding; expertise in experimental hive analysis; expertise in laboratory methods for bee pathogens, cryopreservation.
Geoponiko Panepistimio Athinon 22-AUAGeoponiko Panepistimio Athinon 22-AUA Antonios TsagkarakisAddress75 IERA ODOS11855 Athina, GreeceAdditional information
The Agricultural University of Athens (AUA) was founded in 1920.It has been making valuable contributions to Greek agricultural and economic development, by conducting basic and applied research in the agricultural sciences
The Laboratory of Agricultural Zoology & Entomology (est. 1920) is involved in studying harmful and beneficial insects, mites and nematodes in relation to agriculture (identification, biology, ecology, management, genetics etc).
The Laboratory of Sericulture & Apiculture (est. 1920) has main duty teaching, research and dissemination of Sericultural and Apicultural Science.
The AUA team involved in the project has a great experience in apiculture, breeding of honeybees, pathology and genetics, teaching and seminars to the students and beekeeping community.
Georgikos Organismos "DIMITRA" Ellinikos 11-ELGOEllinikos Georgikos Organismos "DIMITRA" 11-ELGO Fani HatjinaAddress63 200 Nea Moudania, GreeceAdditional information
Ellinikos Georgikos Organismos DIMITRA is a research organisation under the auspices of the Ministry of Rural Development and Food in Greece and it is devoted to agricultural research, education and product quality control.
The Department of Apiculture (Institute of Animal Science) is undertaken research on topics like bee disease control with organic methods, bee breeding and conservation, effects of pesticides.
In our team, apart from the Bee Experts (Fani & Leonidas), we also have members from other departments/ Institutes of ELGO ‘DIMITRA’ who have the expertise on pollination, animal genetics and animal reproduction & cryopreservation.
Hessisches Ministerium für Umwelt, Klimaschutz, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz/LLH 16-LLHHessisches Ministerium für Umwelt, Klimaschutz, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz/LLH 16-LLH Marina MeixnerAddressMainzer Straße 8065189 Wiesbaden, GermanyAdditional information
State Agricultural Agency of the State of Hessen; research and extension institution. Bee Institute: department within agency.
Research, education and extension relating to beekeeping. Main research topics include varroa management, resistance breeding, honey bee health, honey bee genetics, wild pollinator health, insect physiology and immunity
Experience in comparative colony performance testing; expertise in running large field experiments; expertise in laboratory methods for assessing physiology parameters and molecular biolog.
Hoppe AndreasAndreas Hoppe Principal investigator +45 3303293855AddressFriedrich-Engels-Str. 32D-16540 Hohen Neuendorf, GermanyLänderinstitut für Bienenkunde Hohen Neuendorf e.V.WP2, WP5, WP6
Institute of Slovenija Agricultural 14-KISAgricultural Institute of Slovenija 14-KIS Janez PresernAddressHacquetova ulica 171000 Ljubljana, SloveniaAdditional information
KIS is the leading public non-profit research institute in agriculture in Slovenia. Committed to sustainable agriculture by applying innovative research, technology and knowledge transfer to different beneficiaries. Long tradition of apiculture research. Covering selection, technology and food resources. Test facilities (fields, experimental orchards, apiaries). KIS manages the Slovenian National Honeybee. Breeding Programme. Open channel with national beekeeping associations.
Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz University of Graz 23-UoGKarl-Franzens-Universität Graz University of Graz 23-UoGAddressUniversitätsplatz 38010 Graz, AustriaAdditional information
Part of EU funded projects: Horizon: SAMS, DG Sante: INSIGNIA, DG Environment: INSIGNIA-EU, Horizon: B-Thenet.
Kovačić MarinMarin Kovačić Assistant Professor +38598868724AddressVladimira Preloga 1Osijek, CroatiaFaculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences OsijekWP1, WP2, WP3, WP4, WP5, WP6
Magdalena Wilde Pasieka 7-PMWPasieka Magdalena Wilde 7-PMWAddressKsiężycowa 810713 Olsztyn, PolandAdditional information
We are a family company. Bees have been our passion since our youth. We have been running a breeding apiary since 1997. Due to prof. Jerzy Wilde, we are closely associated with the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn and we participate in many research projects.
Mattias Eriksson MattiasMattias Mattias Eriksson Associate ProfessorAddressBox 703275007 Uppsala, SwedenSwedish University of Agricultural Science, Department of Energy and TechnologyWP7
Meixner MarinaMarina Meixner Senior ScientistAddressBee Institute Kirchhain, GermanyLandesbetrieb Landwirtschaft HessenWP 1
Melixa 25-XASMelixa 25-XASAddressvia Kufstein 538121 Trento, ItalyAdditional information
Melixa S.r.l. is a SME founded in 2014 and based in Trento, Italy. Melixa provides innovative solutions for the monitoring of hives and apiaries. The most relevant product is the so-called ”Melixa System”, an innovative and patented monitoring device characterized by up-to-three scales, a bee counter and environmental sensors. Within BeeGuards, Melixa will provide the devices for the monitoring of the apiaries and support to the other partners on the experimental activities throughout the project.
Mifsud DavidDavid Mifsud Professor of Entomology +356 2340 3772AddressHursun FarmhouseMSIDA, Malta, Malta
Morales Carolina LauraCarolina Laura Morales Dr. +542944776920AddressGrupo Ecología de la Polinización, INIBIOMAQuintral 1250Bariloche, Rio Negro, ArgentinaAdditional information
research interests Apis. Bombus, citizen science, conservation of native pollinators, impact of managed and invasive pollinators on native ecosystems, pollination of crops, weeds and wild plants,
Nanetti AntonioAntonio Nanetti Senior researcher +3932918579AddressVia Di Saliceto 80Bologna, ItalyWP6 - Parasites & pathogens
National Institute of Biology 17-NIBNational Institute of Biology 17-NIB Danilo BevkAddressVecna pot 1111000 Ljubljana, SloveniaAdditional information
NIB is one of the leading research institute in Slovenia, focusing on various aspects of biological research and the leading institute in the field of pollinator research in Slovenia. Main expertise in line with project tasks: pollinator ecology and taxonomy, monitoring of pollinator diversity.
Nazionale Delle Ricerche Consiglio 6-CNRConsiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche 6-CNRAddressPiazzale Aldo Moro 700185 Roma, ItalyAdditional information
Founded in 1923, is the largest public research institution in Italy, under the Research Ministry performing multidisciplinary activities. Bio- and agri food.
of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek Faculty 12-FAZOSFaculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek 12-FAZOS Marin KovacicAddressVladimira Preloga 131000 Osijek, CroatiaAdditional information
Part of University of J.J.Strossmayer in Osijek (Croatia). Research, Honey bee, breeding, varroa (resistance traits, alternative methods), beekeeping technology, Queen rearing, 60 colonies (experiments & teaching).
Parejo MelanieMelanie Parejo Postdoctoral researcherAddressBilbao, SpainUniversity of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)WP4
Pettis JeffJeff Pettis Apimondia President 4437669932Address223 N Clairmont Dr.Salisbury, MD, United States
Pointecker WolfgangWolfgang Pointecker Professional Beekeeper, President OEEIB +43 664 1215223AddressNeuratting 47Wippenham, AustriaÖsterreichischer ErwerbsimkerbundWP01, WP09
Prešern JanezJanez Prešern Head of Animal Husbandry Dept. +38612805126AddressKmetijski inštitut SlovenijeWP3Orcid: 0000-0003-2479-6106
Puškadija ZlatkoZlatko Puškadija Full Professor +385915454803AddressVladimira Preloga 1Osijek, CroatiaFaculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences OsijekWP1, WP2, WP3, WP4, WP5, WP6
Saez AgustinAgustin Saez ResearcherAddressBariloche, ArgentinaINIBIOMA (CONICET-UNComa)Ecotono
Sales EsterEster Sales University Lecturer +34 974 239 325AddressEscuela Politecnica SuperiorCtra. Cuarte s/n22197 HuescaHuesca, SpainUniversity of ZaragozaWP
Santolaria PilarPilar Santolaria Professor Animal Production +34650027641AddressCrta. Cuarte s/nEscuela Politécnica SuperiorUniversidad de Zaragoza22071 HuescaHuesca, Aragón, Spain
Schaunitzer GeorgGeorg Schaunitzer Student ResearcherAddressGrazUniversität Graz, AustriaUniversität GrazWP09
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje 20-UKIMSs. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje 20-UKIM Aleksandar UzunovAddressBlvd Goce Delcev 91000 Skopje, Republic of North MacedoniaAdditional information
First State University in Macedonia. Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food.
Expertise: Honey bee biology & Apiculture, Breeding & Genetics.
Sverige Lantbruksuniversitet 18-SLUSverige Lantbruksuniversitet 18-SLU Mattias ErikssonAddressAlmas Alle 8750 07 Uppsala, SwedenAdditional information
Public university. Division of Agricultural engineering and system analysis. Main expertise in life cycle assessment of agricultural systems.
Technologieberatung GmbH ConsulTech 8-CTConsulTech Technologieberatung GmbH 8-CTAddressBelßstraße 1912277 Berlin, GermanyAdditional information
Involvement in former beekeeping projects: Smartbees, EurBeSt. Consulting company in life science sector (Pharma, Biotech, MedTech, Digital health), > 30 years experience. Project management & Grant administration. Dissemination, Communication, Exploitation. Financial & technical reporting. e-room provision & maintanance.
Tertinek JuliaJulia Tertinek Executive assistant OEEIB +43 664 191 60 92AddressRatschendorf 274Deutsch Goritz, AustriaÖsterreichischer Erwerbsimkerbund (OEEIB)WP01, WP09
The National Institute of Horticultural Research 13-INHORTThe National Institute of Horticultural Research 13-INHORTAddressUL Konstytucji 3 Maja Nr 1/396100 Skierniewice, Poland
Tsagkarakis AntoniosAntonios Tsagkarakis Assistant Professor +302105294578Address75 Iera Odos str.11855 AthensAthens, GreeceAgricultural University of Athens (AUA)WP1
Tucak KarolinaKarolina Tucak TechnicianAddressVladimira Preloga 1Osijek, CroatiaFaculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences OsijekWP1, WP2, WP4, WP5, WP6
Universidad Nacional del Comahue 19-UNCOUniversidad Nacional del Comahue 19-UNCOAddressAvenida BUENOS AIRES 14008300 Neuquen, ArgentinaAdditional information
EcoPol is a research group at the Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medio Ambiente (INIBIOMA), located in Bariloche city in southern Argentina.
Main focus. Ecology of pollination, Plant-pollinator interactions and networks, Floral and reproductive biology, Floral evolution, Ecology, behavior, health and genetics of wild and managed pollinators, including honeybees.
University of Malta (UoM) 21-UMUniversity of Malta (UoM) 21-UM David MifsudAddressTal OrOqq2080 Msida, MaltaAdditional information
The University of Malta is the leading academic institution in Malta providing high-quality education, research, and innovation in a wide range of disciplines.
Our research group studies Apiculture, Entomology and Bee Ecology, Insect Ecology and Taxonomy, Honeybees Behaviour & Microbiota, Beekeeping and honey bee breeding, Citizen Science, GIS.
University of Newcastle upon Tyne 27-UNEWUniversity of Newcastle upon Tyne 27-UNEWAddressKings GateNewcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU, United Kingdom
University of the Basque Country 24-UPV_EHUUniversity of the Basque Country 24-UPV_EHUAddressBarrio Sarriena S N48940 Leioa, SpainAdditional information
Department of Genetics; Faculty of Science and Technology, UPV/EHU and Scientific advisors of SGIKER (Sequencing facility of UPV/EHU)
Expertise: Using omic approaches ((meta)genomics and (meta)transcriptomics)) to answer applied questions for sustainable apiculture/agriculture/food production.
University of Zaragoza (Spain) 26-UNIZARUniversity of Zaragoza (Spain) 26-UNIZARAddressCalle Pedro Cerbuna 1250009 Zaragoza, SpainAdditional information
UNIZAR is a public university in northeastern Spain. Our research group (BIOFITER) is focused on improving the reproductive efficiency of animal species. More info at: Strong background on animal reproduction, including bees. Have been involved in projects to protect and improve the autochthonous subspecies A. m. iberiensis. Open channel with regional and national beekeeping associations. Long-term beekeeping field experience.
Uzunov AleksandarAleksandar Uzunov University professor +389 78 374 845AddressStr. 16-ta Makedonska brigada No 3Skopje, MacedoniaSs. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and FoodWP2 Adaptation of Breeding Strategies for Resilient BeekeepingAdditional information
Vejsnæs FlemmingFlemming Vejsnæs Adviser Send message » +4520253556AddressFulbyvej 15Sorø, DenmarkDanmarks BiavlerforeningWP09
Versini LorenzoLorenzo Versini data analyst Send message » 3496881342AddressBaselga di Pinè, ItaliaMelixaWP3
Wilde JerzyJerzy Wilde Professor 0048691767501AddressKsiężycowa 810-713 OlsztynOlsztyn, PolandUniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w OlsztynieWP1
Wilde MagdalenaMagdalena Wilde Owner 0048570288013AddressKsiężycowa 8Olsztyn, PolandPasieka Magdalena WildeWP1
Wirtz UrsulaUrsula Wirtz Projectmanager +49 30 77 20 59 216AddressBelßstraße 1912277 BerlinBerlin, GermanyConsulTech Technologieberatung GmbHWP10, WP9
Yániz JesúsJesús Yániz Professor +34974239312AddressCtra. Cuarte22071 ,Huesca, SpainUniversidad de ZaragozaWP01, WP02
Zarraonaindia Martinez IratxeIratxe Zarraonaindia Martinez Ikerbasque Research Associate +346015510Address1 Barrio Sarriena s/n, 48940Maria Goyri, Animal Biotechnology CenterLeioa, SpainUniversity of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)WP04
- 4-BBEEAddressHaagstraat 849890 Gavere, BelgiumAdditional information
Dark bee (A. m. mellifera) breeding association. Running several breeding programs. Operating multiple mating stations & AI. Offering courses on beekeeping, breeding, ...
Partner for innovative research. Main experience in line with project tasks: managing large test populations for data/sample collection & extension.
Albaina AitorAitor Albaina Assistant ProfessorAddressDepartment of Zoology and Animal Cell Biology, Faculty of Science and TechnologyUniversity of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Barrio Sarriena s/n, 48940Leioa, SpainUniversity of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)WP4Additional information
I have a European PhD (2007) in Biological Sciences (Ecology) from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) with a work on Biological Oceanography at AZTI. Subsequently, I enjoyed a 2-year postdoctoral fellowship on Molecular Ecology at the University of Wales in Bangor (UK; Molecular Ecology and Fisheries Genetics Laboratory). From March 2010 to July 2015, I worked applying molecular tools in Marine Ecology at the Department of Genetics of the UPV/EHU where I also taught undergraduate and master's degree courses. From July 2015 to January 2021, I worked as an Environmental Technician in Urban Ecology projects in the area of Information and Innovation for Sustainability at the Environmental Studies Centre (CEA) of the Vitoria-Gasteiz City Council, where I coordinated the European projects in which the CEA participated. Since 22 January 2021, I am an assistant lecturer in the Department of Zoology and Animal Cell Biology (knowledge area: Zoology) of the UPV/EHU where I am part of the Consolidated Group type A of the Basque Government IT1571-22 "Genes, Populations, Ecosystems: Fundamental and Applied Research". In total, I have participated in more than 30 national/international projects with the result of more than 25 scientific publications in prestigious journals with high impact in their area and more than 40 communications to congresses (
Albertazzi SergioSergio Albertazzi Technician Send message »AddressVia di Saliceto 80, 40128, BolognaBologna, ItalyCREA Research Centre for Agriculture and EnvironmentWP1, WP2
Arbetman MarinaMarina Arbetman +5492944331146AddressPasaje Gutierrez 1125Bariloche, Rio Negro, Argentina
Bevk DaniloDanilo Bevk Researcher +38659232783AddressVecna pot 111Ljubljana, SlovenijaNational Institute of BiologyWP8
Bienkowska GosiaGosia Bienkowska Dr Jan. Send message » 0046602323654AddressSosnowa 1Pulawy, PolandDivision od Apiculture, Research Institute of hHorticultutrWP2
Bieńkowska MałgorzataMałgorzata Bieńkowska Prof. +48602323654Address24-100 PuławySosnowa 1Puławy, PolandResearch Instittute of Horticulture, Apicultural DivisionWP2
Bogo GherardoGherardo Bogo Researcher +393498840617AddressVia di Saliceto 80, 40128, BolognaBologna, ItalyCREA Research Centre for Agriculture and EnvironmentWP08
Bouga MariaMaria Bouga Scientific Collaborator +302105294564Address75 Iera Odos Str.11855 Athens, GreeceAgricultural University of AthensWP09
Brodschneider RobertRobert Brodschneider Researcher +433163805602AddressUniversität GrazGraz, AustriaUniversität GrazWP09
Budge GilesGiles Budge Professor +44 191 208 3079AddressRidley 2Newcastle Upon Tyne, United KingdomNewcastle UniversityWP06Additional information
I work in the Modelling Evidence and Policy Research Team at Newcastle University and lead a workpackage entitled “Understanding climate as a driver of Parasites & Pathogens and mitigating their impact”. We are working closely with project partners from across Europe and beyond to bring new understanding to future parasite and pathogen threats to honey bees in the face of climate change. We are also interested in better understanding how beekeeping might impact other wild pollinators, and will work closely with partners at CRE to provide statistical and diagnostic support. Please get in touch if you are interested in our work and want to find out more. 😊
Calleja MatthewMatthew Calleja Research Support Officer I Send message » +356 99797119AddressInstitute of Earth SystemsUniversity of MaltaMSD2080Msida, MaltaUniversity of MaltaWP01
Cilia GiovanniGiovanni Cilia ResearcherAddressVia di Corticella 133Bologna, Italy
Cutajar SimoneSimone Cutajar PhD researcherAddressUniversity of MaltaWP1
Dall'Olio RaffaeleRaffaele Dall'Olio Consultant +393477687857Addressvia Olmetola 15/3BBologna, ItalyBeeSourcesWP02, WP09
de Groot (she/her) Grecia StefaníaGrecia Stefanía de Groot (she/her) PhD in Biological ScienceAddressGrupo Ecología de la Polinización (EcoPol)Ecotono - Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medio Ambiente (INIBIOMA)Pasaje Gutierrez 1125San Carlos de Bariloche, Río Negro, ArgentinaUNCO (Universidad Nacional del Comahue)WP8Additional information
Scientist and beekeeper. Interests and work: Apis mellifera ecology with emphasis on resources availability in natural and anthropogenic landscapes, and its impacts on health and performance of managed hives. Effects of introduced hives of A. mellifera on plant-pollinator interactions in the context of Biosphere Reserves. Impacts of agricultural and beekeeping practices on ecosystems. Effects of contaminants like pesticides or microplastics on honeybees.
Di Prisco GennaroGennaro Di Prisco Researcher +3906499327831AddressPiazzale E. Fermi n.1Portici (Napoli), Italy
Hoppe AndreasAndreas Hoppe Principal investigator +45 3303293855AddressFriedrich-Engels-Str. 32D-16540 Hohen Neuendorf, GermanyLänderinstitut für Bienenkunde Hohen Neuendorf e.V.WP2, WP5, WP6
Kovačić MarinMarin Kovačić Assistant Professor +38598868724AddressVladimira Preloga 1Osijek, CroatiaFaculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences OsijekWP1, WP2, WP3, WP4, WP5, WP6
Mattias Eriksson MattiasMattias Mattias Eriksson Associate ProfessorAddressBox 703275007 Uppsala, SwedenSwedish University of Agricultural Science, Department of Energy and TechnologyWP7
Meixner MarinaMarina Meixner Senior ScientistAddressBee Institute Kirchhain, GermanyLandesbetrieb Landwirtschaft HessenWP 1
Mifsud DavidDavid Mifsud Professor of Entomology +356 2340 3772AddressHursun FarmhouseMSIDA, Malta, Malta
Morales Carolina LauraCarolina Laura Morales Dr. +542944776920AddressGrupo Ecología de la Polinización, INIBIOMAQuintral 1250Bariloche, Rio Negro, ArgentinaAdditional information
research interests Apis. Bombus, citizen science, conservation of native pollinators, impact of managed and invasive pollinators on native ecosystems, pollination of crops, weeds and wild plants,
Nanetti AntonioAntonio Nanetti Senior researcher +3932918579AddressVia Di Saliceto 80Bologna, ItalyWP6 - Parasites & pathogens
Parejo MelanieMelanie Parejo Postdoctoral researcherAddressBilbao, SpainUniversity of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)WP4
Pettis JeffJeff Pettis Apimondia President 4437669932Address223 N Clairmont Dr.Salisbury, MD, United States
Pointecker WolfgangWolfgang Pointecker Professional Beekeeper, President OEEIB +43 664 1215223AddressNeuratting 47Wippenham, AustriaÖsterreichischer ErwerbsimkerbundWP01, WP09
Prešern JanezJanez Prešern Head of Animal Husbandry Dept. +38612805126AddressKmetijski inštitut SlovenijeWP3Orcid: 0000-0003-2479-6106
Puškadija ZlatkoZlatko Puškadija Full Professor +385915454803AddressVladimira Preloga 1Osijek, CroatiaFaculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences OsijekWP1, WP2, WP3, WP4, WP5, WP6
Saez AgustinAgustin Saez ResearcherAddressBariloche, ArgentinaINIBIOMA (CONICET-UNComa)Ecotono
Sales EsterEster Sales University Lecturer +34 974 239 325AddressEscuela Politecnica SuperiorCtra. Cuarte s/n22197 HuescaHuesca, SpainUniversity of ZaragozaWP
Santolaria PilarPilar Santolaria Professor Animal Production +34650027641AddressCrta. Cuarte s/nEscuela Politécnica SuperiorUniversidad de Zaragoza22071 HuescaHuesca, Aragón, Spain
Schaunitzer GeorgGeorg Schaunitzer Student ResearcherAddressGrazUniversität Graz, AustriaUniversität GrazWP09
Tertinek JuliaJulia Tertinek Executive assistant OEEIB +43 664 191 60 92AddressRatschendorf 274Deutsch Goritz, AustriaÖsterreichischer Erwerbsimkerbund (OEEIB)WP01, WP09
Tsagkarakis AntoniosAntonios Tsagkarakis Assistant Professor +302105294578Address75 Iera Odos str.11855 AthensAthens, GreeceAgricultural University of Athens (AUA)WP1
Tucak KarolinaKarolina Tucak TechnicianAddressVladimira Preloga 1Osijek, CroatiaFaculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences OsijekWP1, WP2, WP4, WP5, WP6
Uzunov AleksandarAleksandar Uzunov University professor +389 78 374 845AddressStr. 16-ta Makedonska brigada No 3Skopje, MacedoniaSs. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and FoodWP2 Adaptation of Breeding Strategies for Resilient BeekeepingAdditional information
Vejsnæs FlemmingFlemming Vejsnæs Adviser Send message » +4520253556AddressFulbyvej 15Sorø, DenmarkDanmarks BiavlerforeningWP09
Versini LorenzoLorenzo Versini data analyst Send message » 3496881342AddressBaselga di Pinè, ItaliaMelixaWP3
Wilde JerzyJerzy Wilde Professor 0048691767501AddressKsiężycowa 810-713 OlsztynOlsztyn, PolandUniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w OlsztynieWP1
Wilde MagdalenaMagdalena Wilde Owner 0048570288013AddressKsiężycowa 8Olsztyn, PolandPasieka Magdalena WildeWP1
Wirtz UrsulaUrsula Wirtz Projectmanager +49 30 77 20 59 216AddressBelßstraße 1912277 BerlinBerlin, GermanyConsulTech Technologieberatung GmbHWP10, WP9
Yániz JesúsJesús Yániz Professor +34974239312AddressCtra. Cuarte22071 ,Huesca, SpainUniversidad de ZaragozaWP01, WP02
Zarraonaindia Martinez IratxeIratxe Zarraonaindia Martinez Ikerbasque Research Associate +346015510Address1 Barrio Sarriena s/n, 48940Maria Goyri, Animal Biotechnology CenterLeioa, SpainUniversity of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)WP04