
The BeeGuards download page, is our page where you free can download our most important public material. Fell free to download and sure feel free to distribute. This page will get slowly get filled up over the project period. Pass by ones and a while to stay tuned.


Tropilaelaps – Greek version
Tropilaelaps – Greek version
Tropilaelaps – Portuguese version
Tropilaelaps – Portuguese version
Tropilaelaps – France version
Tropilaelaps – France version
Tropilaelaps – Italian version
Tropilaelaps – Italian version

Opuscolo informativo su Tropilaelaps mercedesae

Tropilaelaps – Russian version
Tropilaelaps – Russian version

The BeeGuards flyer on Tropilaelaps is now translated into Russian

Tropilaelaps risk: Macedonian language
Tropilaelaps risk: Macedonian language

The BeeGuards flyer on Tropilaelaps is now translated into Macedonian language 🇲🇰

Attention: Tropilaelaps mercedesae
Attention: Tropilaelaps mercedesae

In 2024, Tropilaelaps was confirmed for the first time in Europe, infesting honey bee colonies in southwest Russia and Georgia. These reports mark a continued movement towards the west from origins in Asia. Migratory beekeeping and bee stocks sales are likely pathways for the rapid movement of this dangerous mite.

Innovative management

Spanish version – Beekeepers Protocol – PROTOCOLO PARA APICULTORES
Spanish version – Beekeepers Protocol – PROTOCOLO PARA APICULTORES

Guía de manejo innovador BeeGuards para apicultores interesados en participar como ciudadano científico

Italian version – Beekeepers Protocol Protocollo per apicoltori
Italian version – Beekeepers Protocol Protocollo per apicoltori

Gestione innovativa BeeGuards: linee guida per apicoltori interessati a partecipare

Recordkeeping Card
Recordkeeping Card
BeeGuards protocol for beekeepers
BeeGuards protocol for beekeepers

Here you can download the Standardized management and test protocol for beekeepers who would like to go with us on this interesting journey. Everyone can participate according to your capabilities. For details, please contact your local partner.

Updated version – 11/11/2024


Now in German. New book on honey bee breeding
Now in German. New book on honey bee breeding

Now in German. A new book on honey bee breeding from Bee Guards WP2 Breeding kitchen!

Pim Brascamp, Aleksandar Uzunov, Piter Bijma and Manuel Du composed “The Genetics of Selection in Honeybees”, a new cost-free eBook published by Wageningen University. The book aims to help breeders and bee experts understand subtle elements of honey bee selection, which previously needed to be addressed. The current version is 44 pages of condensed material in four chapters: Breeding Goal, Quantitative Genetics, Breeding Value Estimation, and Selection. It is available in chapter or whole pdf book mode. Download from our download page and please share the book. Authors consider this material as work in progress and appreciate and welcome comments and suggestions for improvement.

New book on honey bee breeding
New book on honey bee breeding

A new book on honey bee breeding from Bee Guards WP2 Breeding kitchen!

Pim Brascamp, Aleksandar Uzunov, Piter Bijma and Manuel Du composed “The Genetics of Selection in Honeybees”, a new cost-free eBook published by Wageningen University. The book aims to help breeders and bee experts understand subtle elements of honey bee selection, which previously needed to be addressed. The current version is 44 pages of condensed material in four chapters: Breeding Goal, Quantitative Genetics, Breeding Value Estimation, and Selection. It is available in chapter or whole pdf book mode. Download from our download page and please share the book. Authors consider this material as work in progress and appreciate and welcome comments and suggestions for improvement.

Version: 1.1
Recordkeeping Card
Recordkeeping Card


Malta. BeeGuards għat-trobbija tan-naħal reżiljenti
Malta. BeeGuards għat-trobbija tan-naħal reżiljenti
Basque: BeeGuards erlezaintza erresilienteago batengatik
Basque: BeeGuards erlezaintza erresilienteago batengatik
Spanish: BeeGuards porunaapicultura resiliente
Spanish: BeeGuards porunaapicultura resiliente
Poland: Dla witalnego pszczelarstwa
Poland: Dla witalnego pszczelarstwa
Greek: για ανθεκτική μελισσοκομία
Greek: για ανθεκτική μελισσοκομία
Israeli version: Flyer. שומרי הדבורים
Israeli version: Flyer. שומרי הדבורים
Macedonian language. ОДРЖЛИВО ПЧЕЛАРСТВО
Macedonian language. ОДРЖЛИВО ПЧЕЛАРСТВО
German: BeeGuards – für eine widerstandsfähige Imkerei
German: BeeGuards – für eine widerstandsfähige Imkerei
Croation version. Beeguards za održivo pčelarstvo
Croation version. Beeguards za održivo pčelarstvo
Danish version: Flyer. BeeGuards for en bæredygtig biavl
Danish version: Flyer. BeeGuards for en bæredygtig biavl
Slovenia version: Flyer. BeeGuards za odporno čebelarstvo
Slovenia version: Flyer. BeeGuards za odporno čebelarstvo
Italian version: Flyer. BeeGuards per un’apicoltura resiliente
Italian version: Flyer. BeeGuards per un’apicoltura resiliente
English version: Flyer. BeeGuards for resilients beekeeping
English version: Flyer. BeeGuards for resilients beekeeping


BeeGuards poster on Migratory habits of Slovenian beekeepers
BeeGuards poster on Migratory habits of Slovenian beekeepers

EURBEE-10. BeeGuards poster on: Migratory habits of Slovenian beekeepers and their economic

Poster on: Study of the honeybee holobiont….
Poster on: Study of the honeybee holobiont….

Read the poster of Melanie Parejo, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) et al. Presented on Applied Hologenetic Conference 2024 in Copenhagen. Focus was on BEEGUARDS WP4: Study of the honeybee holobiont to unravel management and environment-driven changes in colony resilience. Simply understand what we do in our project.

BeeGuards Poster 1
BeeGuards Poster 1



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