de Groot (she/her) Grecia StefaníaGrecia Stefanía de Groot (she/her) PhD in Biological Science grecia.degroot@comahue-conicet.gob.ar Send message »AddressGrupo Ecología de la Polinización (EcoPol)Ecotono – Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medio Ambiente (INIBIOMA)Pasaje Gutierrez 1125San Carlos de Bariloche, Río Negro, ArgentinaAdditional information
Scientist and beekeeper. Interests and work: Apis mellifera ecology with emphasis on resources availability in natural and anthropogenic landscapes, and its impacts on health and performance of managed hives. Effects of introduced hives of A. mellifera on plant-pollinator interactions in the context of Biosphere Reserves. Impacts of agricultural and beekeeping practices on ecosystems. Effects of contaminants like pesticides or microplastics on honeybees.