New book on honey bee breeding

New book on honey bee breeding
New book on honey bee breeding

A new book on honey bee breeding from Bee Guards WP2 Breeding kitchen!

Pim Brascamp, Aleksandar Uzunov, Piter Bijma and Manuel Du composed “The Genetics of Selection in Honeybees”, a new cost-free eBook published by Wageningen University. The book aims to help breeders and bee experts understand subtle elements of honey bee selection, which previously needed to be addressed. The current version is 44 pages of condensed material in four chapters: Breeding Goal, Quantitative Genetics, Breeding Value Estimation, and Selection. It is available in chapter or whole pdf book mode. Download from our download page and please share the book. Authors consider this material as work in progress and appreciate and welcome comments and suggestions for improvement.

Version: 1.1